
(Turns) each way to eat oeil les plurals, dark eyes goodbye

Update this quote onlyzhouwen August 3, 2009 at 19:58 minutes into the edit

Sometimes, the youth has always felt a strong ability to play them, I often sufficient food and clothing knock off a DVD night, all night, in overtime. ... The next morning, two one of Panda evidence "black sites" and that the iron-clad evidence. Fundamentals casting thickness, even if trying to hide something or is miserable.
The saying goes, "and his Baizhanbudai know" if "fully" to wipe out black eyes, and you need to proceed from their causes. Meanwhile, skin tissue, this once small blood vessels dilate and blood circulation is poor, and two black eyes that are understood to be divided into types, one of the two black eyes, a special light eye type of vessel to the skin, black eyes They are formed, the other two pigments, black eyes based on the result of color
